Monday, March 8, 2010

GROWMARK Announces Iowa Essay Contest Winner

Evan Rethmeier of Laurel, Iowa, has been named the Iowa state winner of the 2010 GROWMARK essay contest for FFA members. The theme of this year’s contest was “Exploring Careers in Agriculture.”

In his contest entry, Rethmeier said: “I have a particular interest in the crop specialist – client relationship from the crop production farmer’s point of view. Just as my father is part of such a relationship today with his farming operation, one day I may be part of such a relationship also.”
Rethmeier is a student at Newton High School and a member of the Newton FFA chapter. His FFA advisor is James Horn.

As the contest winner, Rethmeier will receive a $500 scholarship from GROWMARK at the Iowa FFA State Leadership Conference, held in Des Moines during April. The Newton FFA chapter will also receive a $300 award in honor of his accomplishment to help future students.

Four state runners-up will each receive a $125 scholarship. The runners-up and their FFA chapters are, in alphabetical order: Amy Andrews, Vinton Shellsburg FFA; Cassie Galm, Spencer FFA; Logan Kinyon, Creston FFA; and Brandy Zumbach, North-Linn FFA.

Students were asked to describe an agricultural career that interests them and interview a local FS employee about opportunities in that career field.

This is the seventeenth year for the program, sponsored by the GROWMARK System and FS member cooperatives, in conjunction with state FFA leaders, to help young people develop their writing skills, learn about current issues in agriculture, and understand the unique role of cooperatives.

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