Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Certified Propane Specialists Meet

Certified Propane Specialists from across the GROWMARK System met in Indianapolis to learn about new technologies and efficiencies in the propane industry.

Keith Milburn, IMS director, gave a demonstration of the new wEBS system, which will allow more streamlined service to residential and business customers. Program participants also learned about "Extreme Professionalism" from Dave Rich, GROWMARK senior trainer, Southern Region.

A representative from BlueBird bus service gave a presentation on their new propane-fueled school bus line, and Rick Roldan, NPGA president, adressed the group as well.

The attendees were then able to attend the PERC seminar and trade show, where they visited with manufacturers and others about the latest trends.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

GROWMARK Employees Earn Microsoft Certification

Five GROWMARK Information Management Systems (IMS) employees earned Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist certifications by passing the Microsoft Dynamics Financials version 10.0 exam.

The globally-recognized standard of demonstrated expertise in Microsoft Dynamics was earned by: John Bevill, applications specialist; John Boitnott, applications support specialist; Rachel Hensley, applications support specialist; Brandy Passmore, applications support specialist; and Sally Whaley, applications specialist.

This certification is one of the requirements for GROWMARK to maintain Gold Certified status with Microsoft.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Charlesworth named C-FAR Chairman of the Board

Jim Charlesworth, GROWMARK marketing research director, has been named chairman of the board for the Illinois Council for Food and Agricultural Research (C-FAR). He has served on the board for four years.

C-FAR’s mission is to advance profitable, consumer-sensitive, environmentally sound food, agricultural, and related systems by securing funding for relevant research and outreach and fostering public participation in program guidance.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

2010 GROWMARK Media Day

The third annual GROWMARK Media Day was held on March 23. The group of media representatives from across Illinois toured three System facilities and listened to presentations by GROWMARK division representatives.

Tour stops included the Alpha Distribution Center, WESTERN GRAIN MARKETING, and Sunrise Ag Service Company's Illinois River facility in Havana.

Participants enjoyed the tour format and commented they learned a great deal from all the presenters.

Monday, March 15, 2010

2010 FS Marketing Conference

The 2010 FS Marketing Conference was held on March 10 in East Peoria, Ill. More than 350 System employees attended the one-day event.

The morning keynote speaker was Scott McKain, vice chairman of Obsidian Enterprises. He spoke about ways to differentiate your business from others who provide similar goods and services. To create distinction, he recommended using four cornerstones: clarity, creativity, communication, and customer experience focus.

The Agronomy, Energy, Facility Planning and Supply, and Logistics Divisions each offered a panel discussion about ways to connect with customers. Making customized recommendations, building on proven performance, embracing change, and providing operational excellence were all demonstrated.

Former Miami Dolphins coach Don Shula was the wrap-up speaker. He used the acronym "COACH" to sum up his philosophy on teamwork and leadership. To succeed, you must be Conviction-driven, Overlearn, be Audible-ready, have Consistency, and be Honesty-based.

Monday, March 8, 2010

GROWMARK Announces Iowa Essay Contest Winner

Evan Rethmeier of Laurel, Iowa, has been named the Iowa state winner of the 2010 GROWMARK essay contest for FFA members. The theme of this year’s contest was “Exploring Careers in Agriculture.”

In his contest entry, Rethmeier said: “I have a particular interest in the crop specialist – client relationship from the crop production farmer’s point of view. Just as my father is part of such a relationship today with his farming operation, one day I may be part of such a relationship also.”
Rethmeier is a student at Newton High School and a member of the Newton FFA chapter. His FFA advisor is James Horn.

As the contest winner, Rethmeier will receive a $500 scholarship from GROWMARK at the Iowa FFA State Leadership Conference, held in Des Moines during April. The Newton FFA chapter will also receive a $300 award in honor of his accomplishment to help future students.

Four state runners-up will each receive a $125 scholarship. The runners-up and their FFA chapters are, in alphabetical order: Amy Andrews, Vinton Shellsburg FFA; Cassie Galm, Spencer FFA; Logan Kinyon, Creston FFA; and Brandy Zumbach, North-Linn FFA.

Students were asked to describe an agricultural career that interests them and interview a local FS employee about opportunities in that career field.

This is the seventeenth year for the program, sponsored by the GROWMARK System and FS member cooperatives, in conjunction with state FFA leaders, to help young people develop their writing skills, learn about current issues in agriculture, and understand the unique role of cooperatives.

Gentry Elected to Illinois Forage and Grassland Council Board

Dave Gentry, GROWMARK forage/turf and retail products manager, was elected to vice president of the Illinois Forage and Grassland Council (IFGC) board of directors. He has served on the board since 2008.

IFGC provides the framework that unites industry, producers, educational, and government institutions for the production, marketing, and wise use of forages and grasslands.