Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Farm Progress Show 2009

The 2009 Farm Progress Show will be held in the Decatur, Ill. permanent site on September 1 – 3.

The FS brand will be strongly-represented at this well-attended ag showcase. If you plan to attend, you are certain to see the rows of FS Flags greeting visitors upon entering Progress City. Throughout the grounds, FS is acknowledged as the official on-site Fuel Sponsor, as well as the official Agronomic Supplier of the highly visible field demonstration plots.

On August 31, three familiar voices will be heard on the 10 a.m. radio show, AgriTalk, hosted by Mike Adams. This pre-show special will feature interviews from Randy Holthaus on FS Grain Systems; Matt Hynes on FS Seed; Mark Dehner on Liquid Fuels including Dieselex Gold and biofuels. For a list of AgriTalk station affiliates, go to

The FS Exhibit lot is at the corner of 11th and Central Progress, in Progress City, where members greet their customers and interact with other ag community leaders. Activities there reflect the casual and engaging atmosphere of the Farm Progress Show, including entertainment by family-friendly comedian Tim Cavanaugh, remote control car races, and NH3 safety education conducted by Jenny Poole, from GROWMARK Safety & Insurance Services. Displays for FS Grain Systems, Fuels, Propane, Agronomy & FS Seed demonstrate to visitors why FS is The Local Answer to Your World of Needs.

For other information about the show, go to

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